Individual sellers offering a piece are OK as long as your sale follows ALL of these rules: Please do not make sales offers to other users unless you have an active sale post. No 'looking to buy' posts - if you need help finding a figure online, that's fine, but please don't solicit users. Posts regarding websites with everyday low prices/reliable sellers are prohibited. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the Bootleg Megathread. Posts containing bootlegs, bootleg GKs ('recasts'), or unlicensed figures, advocating for their purchase, or links for purchasing them, will be subject to removal. Bootlegs are harmful to the industry, so we do not want to support them.

Suggestive or explicit loli content is prohibited under reddit's Content Guidelines.įigures must be either produced by a Japanese figure company, or of a Japanese series.ĭo not promote bootlegs. Please don't post any memes, reaction images, or other low-effort content. Feel free to share pictures of your newest figure, the latest news on a sculpt, or questions about the hobby.